An exclusive benefit for WSPC members.
For more info, contact Rob Schoeber, Lobster manager, at
Meet Mr. Lobster

The Lobster Ball Machine allows you to practice your shots without a partner. The machine can be set to send balls at various speeds, directions and spins.
The lobster ball machine is available for rent to all WSPC members in good standing.
The rental fee is $5 per 90-minute session.
Reservations for the machine can be made up to 2 weeks in advance.
Players must complete a brief orientation prior to renting. Orientations will resume in March 2025.
Orientations may be scheduled by contacting Rob Schoeber at
General Rules
- The Lobster Pickleball Machine rental is for 1.5-hour time blocks, with the purpose of allotting 15 minutes each to retrieve, set-up and return the ball machine to storage. This ensures you get a full hour of practice on the ball machine.
- Please do NOT go over your allotted time. It will impact the folks renting after you.
- The ball machine rental fee is $5 per session (1.5 hours). Sign-up sheet is in the shed to reserve the Lobster machine. We have done away with online reservations at this time. Payment is cash or check at the time you pick up the machine from the storage shed. Use the payment envelope in the shed and drop it in the lock box.
- Rental times are flexible, however players should avoid scheduled structured event times such as round robins, tournaments, or league play. You may use the machine on courts with power receptacles which are courts 17, 19, 15, 3 and 5. If players are on those courts, ask them if they would mind relocating to another court. In the unlikely situation that all courts are being used, you may have to forfeit your session. If you already dropped your money envelope in the box, let us know and we will refund you.
- To rent the ball machine you must be a member in good standing with the WSPC. And, you must attend an orientation regarding ball machine usage and procedure before being allowed to rent the ball machine.
- A club member who rents the ball machine may invite a guest(s), either member or non-member, to participate in drilling and practice. Said member is responsible for their guest(s).
- Any improper use of machine or behavior on the court while using the machine can result in a member not being allowed to use the machine in the future.
- There is no limit to the number of rentals allotted each member.
- The ball machine is not to be used during rain, drizzle or any time the court is wet. If it’s raining during your session, cancel it online or don’t show up for it. If it starts raining during your session time, and you don’t get the full use of time, let us know and we can refund you. If it is below 40 degrees outside, do not use the ball machine as balls will break due to the cold temps.
- Report any damage or malfunction of the machine immediately to WSPC board members Jeffrey Smith or Rob Schoeber. Also, report any issues/concerns with retrieving or returning the ball machine to storage.