The following policies and procedures are set forth to ensure financial accountability for the use of all club funds.
1. Spending Authority and Approval:
a. All purchases or spending of club monies will require prior approval as follows:
a.i. $1- $100 At the discretion of any active board member. No formal approval required.
a.ii. $100 - $500 Approval from an Officer (Pres. VP, Sec.,Tres.) and communication with WSPC BODs by email.
a.iii. Over $500 Approval by majority vote of Board Members
b. Approval will be requested by email or at a board meeting.
c. Any and all club officers may be consulted by any officer receiving a request for approval.
d. Reimbursements will be requested with the reimbursement form and receipts.
e. Approvals will be noted on the reimbursement form.
f. Club Treasurer will maintain records of purchases.
2. Guidelines for Purchases: a. All purchases over $250 of items or materials available from multiple sources require bids or product and price comparison from at least three(3) sources.
a.i. If less than three sources are available approving officer will evaluate reasonableness of the proposed purchase.
a.ii. Also applicable on lower cost purchases when reasonable to comparison shop for fiscal responsibility to the club.
NOTE: Exception to the above guidelines: Club ball and member “perk” purchases
3. Unauthorized Purchases:
a. Any purchase made without prior approval of the club officer with the appropriate authority will be considered an Unauthorized Purchase.
b. Unauthorized purchases must be remediated by the following steps.
b.i. The purchaser must submit a written explanation of the purchase and the failure to acquire proper approval to the club Treasurer.
b.ii. The written notice must be approved at the next board meeting by majority vote.